Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Just Jump!

Today was my middle brother's birthday. During my birthday call to him, he told me he decided to do something different to celebrate this year... he jumped out of a plane.                        (That's him in the pic!)

I couldn't believe it! It was only noon and he'd already been dropped from the sky.  It was so unexpected of him... and crazy! LOL.

He said it was an exhilarating experience and promised to share the amazing  pics with me.  He added that he made a list of fun and rewarding things he wanted to do this year, like, volunteering, organizing blood drives, and lending time and service to a third world country... I felt so proud. He's a good person with a good heart.  I enjoyed hearing the excitement in his voice as he shared his ideas and plans. It was also nice to learn he had a passion for volunteering, as I do.

What I admired the most is that he just jumped... literally, and did something exciting and different... and planned to add even more adventure to his life.  Sometimes we just have to take a leap and do the things that make us feel good.  It brought me back to the reason I started this blog in the first place.

My "joy moment" today was hearing the joy in my brother's voice as he recapped his big jump and his big plans for his future.

Joy is contagious and thank goodness there's no cure.

Stay tuned. :-)

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