Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wow! Joy Journey Marks 1 Year!

Ta-Daa!  One year ago today I started my joy journey!  I did it.  I can't believe it.

Seeking the joy in every single day for a year has been fun, crazy, wild, trying, unexpected, surprising, educational, fulfilling, sobering, and amazing. Who knew?! I sure didn't. All I knew when I started was that I wanted to wake up and take notice of each day.

Before beginning my joy journey, I'd been on cruise control. Boring, uneventful, unappreciative cruise control. I wanted (and needed) to wake up and start living and appreciating the gift of each day... No matter what kind of day it was! And you know what? Surprisingly, I always found it. Whether it was just a few hours or a few moments. Seek and ye shall find!

Big joys like, interesting new TV gigs, reunions with dear old friends, meeting wonderful new ones, (including my blog buddies!) getting to see a few of my fav celebs and attending lively events. Smaller joys like, checking out new sights, music, sweets, baked goods and fun brunches. Everyday joys, like waking up to a new day, getting inspired, chatting with family, hanging with friends, and enjoying sunny days.

I found unexpected joy in simple things and learned valuable lessons in trying times... both leading to big breakthroughs and deep gratitude.

Believe me, some days I had to look pretty hard for my joy moment. But it was ALWAYS there. Every single day. Even on the bad days, my joy hunt helped me to discover the good, the positive, the blessing, or the purpose, every time. It's been a wild and amazing ride!

Thank you my blogger friends for joining me on my roller-coaster journey. I hope you were entertained, inspired or at the very least, amused by this lively L.A. chick seeking her yellow brick road.

Wake up and Live will continue for year two. You can't get rid of me that easy, LOL!  My entries will now just be a few times a week, although I will continue to seek the joy in each day on a personal level. I hope you will, as well.

May you discover joy and happiness today and every day!

Wake up and Live!  ... And Stay Tuned, dear friends!


Ms. Girl :-)

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