Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year, New Start

1 - 1 - 11

First day of the New Year.  Time for a Fresh start? New beginning? Different path? Needed change?

That's the great thing about the beginning of a new year, it's a good time for one or all of the above, if we want. At the very least, it's a great time to start making plans or contemplating putting new things into motion.

Something about a new year gets us energized, and if we're lucky, that enthusiasm lasts for more than just the first few weeks January. You've seen the phrase... "New Year, New You."  Well, why not?  It's as good a time as any to get started, to give it a try, to make things happen.

Perhaps instead of looking at our plans as "resolutions" (I don't know about you, but those don't usually pan out for me) maybe we can look at them as fresh starts.  Instead of overloading ourselves with a long list, perhaps we just pick 1-3 top things we'd like to accomplish. Keeping it simple will keep us sane... and on track!  It's our fresh start, we can begin any way we like, right?!  The most important thing, taking it one day at a time and actually getting started. 

My joy moment today was my optimism and enthusiasm about the start of a new year and thinking about a few things I'd like to achieve.  

So let's get things revving, in 2011!  Like that one?!  Ms. Girl made it up all by herself, LOL.  

Cheers to the New Year and New beginnings! 

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl 

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