Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Weigh We Go!

One of my "resolutions" (I call them "fresh starts") is the ever popular weight-loss goal. Somehow that little darling always ends up in the top five of new year's lists.

This year, I decided to take it slow and begin by getting a bit more exercise... since the short walk from my car to the house doesn't seem to be a big calorie burner.

So there I was today at the gym. By the way, why is it so bright in there?!  I think a little mood lighting could go a long way, LOL. Just saying! But I digress. The good news... I did a whole 35 minutes on the treadmill devil!  (That's my pet name for that evil, mean machine. Kidding!  A little.)

I have to say, I was pretty proud of myself! I know thirty-five minutes may not seem like much, but it's pretty good considering I almost hopped off after minute "two." But I stayed the course. Ms. Girl is trying! Bring it on, treadmill devil!

Completing 35 minutes of grueling, heart-pounding exercise (yes, I'm hyping it up a bit. The feigning of sympathy is appreciated, LOL) was my joy moment for today. This time, I'm serious. :-)

Guess chocolate cake for dessert is a no-no, right? Kidding! A little :-)

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl


Jodene said...

Hahaha ... I love your spunk!
Well you made me feel totally more at peace with my exercise regime. I'm about to head back to gym on Monday and if you can do 35 mins and be so proud then so can I. What's with this 1 to 2 hours at gym anyway ;-)

Just keep walking ;-)

MS. GIRL said...

LOL! Thank you, my friend. I know! 2 hour gym time, so overrated! j/k. LOL. ;-) Good luck on getting back into your routine!