Sunday, January 23, 2011

I'm Baaaackkkk!

Hey Friends! It's been a bit, I've missed you guys! My break was longer than anticipated due to a slight med scare for my gran and a few other issues. Very happy to report, she's doing fine, thankfully!

And I'm finally home! Back in La La Land. Where it's sunny and warm. Not that I didn't enjoy all the snow and chilly weather, always nice to mix things up, LOL. And of course, I'm grateful that I was able to spend quality time with the fam.

But I have to admit hearing the weather man announce the temperature in Los Angeles will be in the 80's this week did warm my heart, literally! LOL.

Now that I'm back, the pressure is on... lots to do. My luggage remains unpacked and the towering bags seem to be taunting me, I have several pending things to get in order and my to-do list is two pages long. Just means it's time to get my plans for the new year underway... and fast.

My joy moment today was settling in at home, preparing my goals for the week and getting back to you, my blogging friends!

Hope you've had a pleasant and productive January, so far.

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl


jodene said...

I, for one, totally missed you!!! Yay and welcome back to your home ;-)

Glad your gran is better and that you are back to blogging and all that jazz ... yay!!!

MS. GIRL said...

LOL! Thank you very much, my friend!! You rock!!