Monday, February 7, 2011

Boot Camp, Brutal Camp, LOL!

Hey Friends!  Hope all is well. Ms. Girl has been trying to get active. I fell off the work-out truck awhile back... and I fell hard.  Zero workouts. Zero activity. Zero loss. I've been trying to get into a routine, but it's so exhausting, LOL.

Decided to try out an exercise class today. Things got off to a rough start as soon as I arrived. I was 5 minutes late. That wasn't the bad part. The bad part was that the entire class was already in a full-on trot by the time I got there. They were all "running," not jogging, but running around the room.  A big room. Whatever happened to the warm-up?  I was just about to turn around and leave when a friendly hand from the sprinting group waved me inside to jump in line.  She was very thoughtful, but I should have followed my gut and bolted. I'd only been running a few minutes and I thought I was having a heart attack.  I don't run. I don't even walk fast.

The class schedule said it was supposed to be a cardio class, but I quickly learned it was a BOOT CAMP class... that's because the instructor kept yelling, "This is Bootcamp people!" Bootcamp?! What the heck?!  Where was the sign that said that? Who do I have to talk to about this crazy mixup, I said to myself, because someone... ME... could get hurt. I was already in big-time pain and I'd only been in the class 10 minutes. The instructor made the class do a crazy rotation of steps, weights, punching bags, sit-ups, etc. Seriously?  What am I training for?!  I cried to myself. I think I cried. Tears, sweat... all the same thing. I was delirious.

My heavy gasps were actually drawing looks from the girl next to me... the same girl who waved me in. Was this a setup?  "You can do it!" She said.  I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked crazy, disheveled, exhausted and in shock. "Does she not see what I see?!" LOL. She was lucky I was virtually unable to speak. I suspect she was probably the same person responsible for the mix-up. Not really, but I needed someone besides myself to blame. :-)

I'm pretty sure my heart has never beat that fast before. If I could've made it back across the room to my cell phone I would have called 911 but I thought it might be a tad embarrassing to be carried out during a workout class. Although, it couldn't have been more embarrassing than the way I looked. LOL.

So I continued to gulp air, wince in pain, and suffer through the rest of the bootcamp AKA fake cardio class.

My joy moment for today was "cool down" time. Oh, how I LOVED the cool down.  I laid down on that workout mat like it was my bed. It was a wrap for me, LOL!  I only moved when he said, "We're done!" Yay, I whimpered, then hobbled to my car and thanked God I'd found a parking spot close to the door.

How was your day, LOL ?!

Stay tuned :-)

Ms. Girl

1 comment:

JODENE said...

Bwahahahahaha ... I have these hysterical images of you right now. I miss you ... so awesome to see a post again ;-)